I want

The snakes to uncoil themselves from my neck
And the dragon of perpetual sleep
To smooth out its black scales,
Unclench its talons,
And with them,
Close my eyes

Serpent Feeling

Everything is blurry.

The serpent,

It stings my throat and chest.

I just want

To be the same as you.

If I could,

I would carry you far,

Far away,

And steal your body

And your mind,

And become you.

I would be perfect. 

Falling Sky

Undulating, stardust loosening

From the sky like dandruff

Bleeding purple, sunlight trickling

In too far, it hurts us

Dissipating, stratus weakening

On the way towards Earth’s rug

Breathing shallow, ether crumbling 

Over us, no more luck